Holi DIY: Create a Colorful, Fragrant, and Safe Celebration with This Simple Idea


Unleash the vibrancy of Holi with a DIY twist that combines color, fragrance, and safety. Design Indian Homes brings you a simple yet ingenious idea to make your Holi celebration not only visually stunning but also aromatic and safe. Follow this DIY weekend project to add an extra layer of joy to your festivities while ensuring a delightful and memorable experience.

Materials Needed:

  1. Flower Petals (Various Colors):
    • Gather an assortment of vibrant flower petals. Marigold, rose, and chrysanthemum petals work exceptionally well.
  2. Essential Oils:
    • Choose your favorite essential oils for fragrance. Options like lavender, jasmine, or rose add a delightful aroma to the celebration.
  3. Cornstarch or Arrowroot Powder:
    • Use a natural base like cornstarch or arrowroot powder for the colorful and safe powder base.
  4. Spray Bottles:
    • Prepare spray bottles for blending essential oils with water.
  5. Large Mixing Bowls:
    • Use large bowls for mixing and creating the fragrant and colorful powders.
  6. Small Containers:
    • Have small containers to store and distribute the DIY colorful and fragrant powders.


Step 1: Collect Flower Petals

Gather an abundance of fresh and vibrant flower petals. Ensure they are clean and free from any pesticides.

Step 2: Prepare Essential Oil Mixtures

In spray bottles, create mixtures of water and your chosen essential oils. Experiment with different scents for a variety of fragrances.

Step 3: Dry and Crush Petals

Allow the collected flower petals to dry completely. Once dry, crush them into a fine powder using a mortar and pestle or a grinder.

Step 4: Mix Petals with Base Powder

In large mixing bowls, combine the crushed flower petals with the chosen base powder (cornstarch or arrowroot). Ensure an even distribution for vibrant and aromatic powders.

Step 5: Spray Essential Oils

Spray the essential oil mixture onto the flower petal and base powder blend. Mix thoroughly to infuse the fragrance into the colorful powder.

Step 6: Store in Small Containers

Once the DIY powders are well-mixed and infused with fragrance, store them in small containers. Ensure the containers have lids for easy distribution during the Holi celebration.

Step 7: Enjoy a Colorful, Fragrant, and Safe Holi

Your DIY colorful and fragrant powders are ready to elevate your Holi celebration. Use them to add vibrant hues, delightful aromas, and a safe twist to the festival of colors.

Safety Tips:

  1. Skin-Friendly Ingredients:
    • Ensure the flower petals and essential oils used are skin-friendly to avoid any allergic reactions.
  2. Test Patch:
    • Before widespread use, test a small patch on the skin to ensure compatibility.
  3. Avoid Eyes and Face:
    • Remind participants to avoid direct contact with eyes and faces while playing with the DIY powders.
  4. Outdoor Use:
    • Use the powders in outdoor spaces to minimize indoor cleanup.


Design Indian Homes invites you to embrace a new dimension of Holi celebrations with this DIY idea. By combining the beauty of flower petals, the allure of essential oils, and the safety of natural powders, you can create a Holi experience that is not only visually stunning but also aromatic and safe. Make your festival memorable with this simple yet impactful DIY weekend project. Happy Holi!

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